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  • Seven (7) steps to empower women to transform their relationship with their bodies, feel more confident and get on with their passions, purpose & pleasures.

  • A sustainable, non-diet, body-positive way to live lighter and brighter.

  • NOT a diet, cleanse, meal-plan, detox or nudity-related.

  • A trademarked Coaching Method delivered by specially Certified Coaches, like me!

  • A global movement intercepting harmful effects of body dissatisfaction, chronic dieting and a belief that your worth has anything to do with your weight or wealth.

  • What I practice daily to fuel my mood, mind, body and potential.


You, if you identify as a woman, particularly in your 20s – 50s who:

  • Finds your self-worth is dependent on weight, wealth or work for others;

  • Puts off your self-care, pleasure, passions, daydreams, aspirations and/or a calling until someday when you have: extra time, more confidence, ‘enough’ money, a smaller/fitter body OR the ‘right’ job, experience, credentials or certification;

  • Is ready to: take her body, mind and spirit back from societal messages that no longer serve her, were actually never about here, and undermine her passions, purpose and potential;

  • Is disheartened or distracted by dieting, shrinking to fit in or hiding because you think/feel you don’t fit in;

  • Resists putting herself on the front burner and/or

  • Has a mind, body + spirit.


  • BARE works by practicing the trademarked, 7 steps repeatedly.

  • You can learn HOW to practice ‘living’ BARE with me!

  • My LIVING BARE 1:1 Coaching Program equips and empowers you with the 7 steps of BARE in an individualized way.

  • Living BARE is a 10-session, individualized program delivered via Zoom. With 10 sessions, we customize your focus and pace of building BARE into your daily life.

  • Clients who work with me get the benefit of My: 1) years of coaching, teaching and advanced training in the BARE method; 2) understanding of the ‘science’ behind BARE, 3) skills as a life purpose and career coach and 4) lived experience before and after Living BARE.

  • My LIVING BARE 1:1 Coaching Program includes individualized pre-/post-session exercises and summary/follow-up emails with each 55-minute session. Disclaimer: I cannot do the work for you.

Here’s a little glimpse into HOW you might learn to Live BARE with me:

  1. Upgrade your environment by ridding it of ‘vibe vampires’ or 'diet decoys'.

  2. Pursue pleasure, not willpower to have the body + life you love.

  3. Embrace exercise as an opportunity, not a transaction with your body.

  4. Tune into what nourishes your hunger with power and pleasure.

  5. Express your radiance right here and now, not ‘if only…’.

  6. Speak to yourself with compassion, not criticism.

  7. Show up, be seen – even make a scene – with confidence!


  • BARE exists to kill Diet Culture.

  • It exists in opposition to the current, yet changing, sociocultural messaging of what the ‘ideal’ woman ought to weigh, look like, dress like, act like, say or do.

  • BARE exists to disrupt messaging that disheartens and distracts women.

  • Disheartened women adopt restrictive, unsustainable and unhealthy behaviors & critical, distracting thoughts that zap their energy, confidence & self-compassion.

  • Distracted women postpone or rarely pursue their passions, purpose or potential.

  • TOO MANY women are still hijacked by outdated, paternalistic and patriarchal messaging:

- 67% of women report eating, weight, or shape significantly impacts on quality of life

- 75% of women report concerns about weight & shape interferes with their happiness

- 64% of women report thoughts & concerns about their weight at least once daily

- 79% women report weight/shape as ‘moderately’ to ‘most important’ in self-perception

- Many women perceive being judged on appearance more than skills or capabilities

- Rates of diagnosable eating disorders are on the rise among middle-aged women

- Women’s perception of being overweight predicted increases in depressive symptoms

- Feeling negatively about appearance is the ‘norm’ not exception across age & gender

- There is little support that ‘dieting’ leads to lasting weight loss or health benefits

  • These research findings are WHY BARE must exist.

  • These research findings are WHY I’m committed to creating ways for all women in my ‘vortex’ to LIVE BARE.

  • These research findings are WHY I launched LIVING BARE 1:1 Coaching.


BARE came from the heart, mind and feminism of Susan Hyatt, an American woman, Master Certified Coach, entrepreneur, wife, mother and activist. Inspired by her daughter hearing ‘diet talk’ among friends at the lunch table in 4th grade, Susan created BARE to disrupt diet culture, rewrite societal ‘norms’ for all who identify as women and make our world a better place for everyone.


You can start Living BARE now.

1. Head to the Services page of my website:

2. Read more about the LIVING BARE 1:1 Coaching Program – enroll* if it resonates.

3. Book a Discovery Call to virtually meet with me to see if Living BARE is for you.

4. Subscribe to my email list via the website to hear about more ways to live BARE.

*As in most coaching programs, payment for the LIVING BARE 1:1 Coaching Program is made up front. In special circumstances, split payments can be made, just get in touch.

You only get one body. Give it love.
You only get one life. Make it count.
─ Susan Hyatt

Well, there you have it, my best effort to answer the 5Ws + H of BARE!

I'd love to answer more of your questions - leave them in comments, use the contact page: or book a Discovery Call.

with pleasure,



Honeysuckle Precinct

Newcastle, New South Wales, 2300


I acknowledge the traditional custodians of the Awabakal land where I live, work and learn - land that always was, and always will be, Aboriginal.

I pay my respects to Elders past and present.

I acknowledge I'm from land that was also never ceded and pay my respects to the First Nations people of my original homeland of the USA.


I also acknowledge my ancestors and the courage it took to leave their homelands to immigrate to the USA in the hope of greater opportunity.

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website by wix wtih creative help from: @emmie.wildflowers, @bluefairydesigns, @_marisadonnelly
© 2022 Elysa Roberts
© 2022 Elysa Roberts
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