It's with deep humility and gratitude that I share the following.
"I can't say enough about how talented, caring, and impactful Elysa is. In just 3 sessions, she helped me get laser-focused about healing from my past to step up and be of service to my community. She mixes her expertise and experience with the perfect dose of woo to help gain clarity and relief.
Some of Elysa's strengths (among many) that I cherish are her relatability, compassion, supportive nature, and understanding of so much more than what you are saying. Her gentle nudges inspired me to practice mirror work more intentionally.
I particularly love her "self-compassion" exercise. Ask her about it! Having someone be so fully attentive and caring is a rare quality that I hope everyone has the gift of experiencing with Elysa."
~Marianne Talkovski
Coach, Project Beauty
“I thought BARE MAGIC was brilliant! I think so often we get so caught up in being, looking, and behaving how we believe society dictates we should, instead of embracing who we are, what we really like and feel confident to say yes, or no to things we’re either 'feeling or not feeling the love' in doing.
I really admire that you’ve used your own personal experience to reach out to help others achieve a better quality of life for themselves physically, psychologically, socially, and spiritually.
One pebble makes many ripples after all, and you've certainly left me with some concepts to be much more aware of”.
~ Jo
"Elysa is a special Coach who is able to communicate in a very professional, yet personal manner.
The biggest lesson I took from The Living BARE 1:1 Coaching Program is to acknowledge and constantly remind myself of my self-worth and to make more time for me. I now celebrate small and large wins more often instead of ignoring them.
Living in the moment and being mindful and grateful for all wonderful moments that happen, which I may have taken for granted prior to participating in BARE, is now a normal practice. I’ve learnt it is ok to do things just for me. I don’t feel guilty any more."
~ Chris

“I've learnt so much from your teachings and emphasis on the importance of roles beyond paid work and parenting. It helped me return to my singing interests. I am now 6 weeks away from opening night for the musical Mamma Mia. I am in the ensemble and absolutely love every minute of rehearsals, even the fatigue that comes with many late nights!).”
"Prior to finding The BARE Process, I felt I'd reached a dead-end. My kids had left home, my job had ended, and my body was going through menopause. I felt redundant, lack-lustre, and directionless. Embarking on The BARE 1:1 Coaching Program was just what I required to regain my purpose, rebuild my confidence and start loving life again.
Through a combination of thought-provoking exercises and hands-on activities, The BARE Process taught me how to rid my life of toxic influences, declutter my environment, take pleasure in the present, practice self-compassion, stop the self-sabotage, cease the comfort eating and re-ignite my interest in myself and others.
The breadth of Lysee’s personal experience, coupled with the depth of her professional knowledge as both a qualified Occupational Therapist and Certified Coach, made her the perfect guide through The BARE Process. She intuitively knew what I wanted from every session, was able to tailor each exercise to meet my particular needs, and was not afraid to push me outside of my comfort zone.
I cannot recommend Lysee and The BARE Process enough. If, like me, you want to make a positive change to your life but know you need sensitive support and practical strategies to do so, then The BARE 1:1 Coaching Program is for you.
Dare to BARE – you will not regret it!"
~ Bec